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The model AC1024SG1 is a small oil-free air compressor, approximately 80 cm high, 50 cm long, 53 cm wide and weighing about 36 kg.

It is essentially a low-noise compressor.

Maggiori dettagli


  • Despite the weight of the AC1024SG1 compressor does not allow it to be lifted, thanks to its frame mounted on wheels, it is however easily transportable.

    A protective coating on the tank and on the piping dampens vibrations.

    Dry-running makes it employment valid for most applications requiring clean compressed air.

    The power supply voltage is 230 volts at 50 Hz.

    Noise level does not exceed a 67-decibel peak sound pressure, while the power is 1.7 KW at 1400 revolutions per minute (rpm).

    Due to its low-noise level, this compressor can also be used in closed environments.

    The thermal control system prevents the compressor from operating in case of overheating of the engine.

    The compressor is equipped with pressure switch and pressure gauge and has a capacity of 240 litres/minute, with a yield of 150 litres/minute at 5 bar.

  • Altezza (mm) 56
    Lunghezza (mm) 50
    Larghezza (mm) 81
    Peso (kg) 36
    Aria aspirata (litri/minuto) 240
    Pressione massima (BAR/PSI) 10/145
    Potenza (HP) 2,4
    Giri (al minuto) 1400
    Pressione sonora (dB) 67
    Tensione frequenza di alimentazione (volt/hertz) 230/50

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